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Pina Vito is a registered physiotherapist and osteopathic manual practitioner. She completed her Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy at McGill University in 1993. Over the years she has pursued continuing education courses in various manual therapy techniques and exercise programs. She has also completed her two levels of Anatomical Acupuncture with the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada. In 2004, she completed her Osteopathy training at the CAO-HHS in Hamilton, ON. Pina continues to improve her skills and has completed her visceral manipulation training at the Barral Institute and is now a teaching assistant with them.


Brian Sudletsky , osteopathic manual practitioner,  has been practising manual therapy for 16 years. As well as graduating from the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy, he has an honorary diploma from the Institute of Osteopathy in Montreal and is a member of the Society of Osteopaths of Canada. Continuing education and teaching are important areas of focus which ensure a progressive evolution of skills in order to serve patients all that osteopathy can offer.

Lorraine Hamblin graduated from the University of Ottawa in 1997 with her Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy, and has worked at Integrated Manual Therapy Centre since 2006.  Her post-graduate studies include manual therapy techniques such as cranio-sacral release, myofascial release and osteopathic techniques including visceral work.  Education, exercise, anatomical acupuncture, breathing assessment and pelvic floor dysfunction (urinary incontinence) are additional treatments that she provides to her clients.  


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